A Unique Team The EcoHealth Consulting (EHC) Team comprises experts in the areas of ecology, anthropology, medicine, health, social science, public policy, resource management, and urban planning. EHC is highly respected for its innovative approaches and scientific expertise.
The core team comprises:
David Rapport, PhD Principal, EcoHealth Consulting; Adjunct Professor, Royal Roads University (Canada); Honorary Professor, Shenyang University, Adjunct Professor Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang (China). Focus areas: Ecosystem Health, Eco-cultural Health
Glenn Albrecht, PhD Honorary Professorial Fellow In the School of Geosciences, The University of Sydney. Formerly, Professor of Sustainability, Murdoch University (Perth, Western Australia).Focus Area: Effects of environmental degradation on mental health Victoria Lee, MD, MPH Chief Medical Health Officer and Vice-President of Population and Public Health, Fraser Health Authority (British Columbia), Canada. Focus area: Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health Luisa Maffi, PhD Co-founder and Director, Terralingua. Focus areas: Biocultural Diversity, Eco-cultural Health Bruce Mitchell, PhD Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo, Ontario (Canada). Focus area: Water Resource Management Ola Ullsten, Doctor of Laws (Hon.) Former Prime Minister of Sweden; Former co-chair, World Commission on Forests and Sustainable Development. Focus area: Governance for Ecosystem Health
Areas of Expertise EHC has a team of highly accomplished specialists in the areas of:
- ecosystem health
- ecological economics
- watershed management
- biocultural diversity
- environmental policy
- relationship of human health to ecosystem health
- public health and community medicine